Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two Quick Birthday DIY's

My little bitsy turns TWO tomorrow. Wow! We had a family birthday party Saturday evening, and I wanted to share a couple of super easy ideas. I think my failure to accomplish my crafty/decorating goals has been adequately documented, so I have decided to take it in stride and just show you what I am able to pull together. For the cake, I photocopied a chipboard "2" and enlarged it to the size I wanted. Then I printed it on cardstock and cut it out. I laid it right on the cake and outlined it with jelly beans. Then I lifted up the template off the cake. I used a funnel to fill it in with hot pink sprinkles. Easy peasy.

I wanted to make a fabric bunting or banner but ran out of time, so I improvised. I printed a few copies of this cool alphabet template from Martha Stewart on four colors of cardstock. I cut out the letters I needed and then stuck them onto crepe paper with a tiny bit of glue. I loosely draped each part of the banner across the mirror in the party room and taped it onto the sides of the mirror with scotch tape. I was surprised that it turned out so cute.


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