Thursday, May 7, 2009

Make A Fun Decoupaged Address Card Box

Here is another easy and fun decoupage project -- and this one will help you get organized: an address card box.

Here is what it looks like inside:

At some point, I stopped using an address book and converted to printing information onto recipe cards. I found this plain wooden recipe box at Target and decoupaged it to match my office fabrics. By way of background, I am in the process of organizing/redecorating my home office with Anna Griffin's Alix fabric and matching scrapbook paper.

I started off by sanding the box and priming it with white craft paint. I wanted the finished box to look slightly shabby, so I didn't completely cover it in paint. Then I measured each section of the box and cut the paper pieces to decoupage onto the box.

Apply Mod Podge to the box, section by section, and smooth the paper pieces on top.

For me, decoupagagin paper to wood works a lot better with lighter-weight paper, but here I used cardstock-weight scrapbook paper. You have to really make sure it is pressed down nice and flat.

I covered this box with three layers of Mod Podge and a top layer of Ceramcoat clear varnish.

For inside the box, I made dividers by tracing the dividers that came with the box onto some "chipboard" (not real chipboard, although you could buy that, but the back off of scrapbook paper pads) and cutting them out with a craft knife.

Then I applied Mod Podge to the chipboard divider and laid it glue-side down onto a piece of scrapbook paper. Using the craft knife, I cut away the excess paper. Again, press and smooth until you are sure the paper is flat and secured to the chipboard divider. Next, I used little stickers on the tabs for "abc" and so on.

Then I covered the front (papered) side of the divider in a coat of Mod Podge. Once everything was dry, I inserted the dividers into the box and added my index cards with address/phone/email/birthday information.


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