Thursday, August 27, 2009

(Partially) Handmade Christmas

Okay, I do shop at Wal-Mart sometimes, I just needed a good image for this post! Plus, I'm not going to pretend that we will have a 100 percent, Martha-approved, all-handmade Christmas. I wish that were possible. However, with a toddler, job, house, etc., I'm not seeing where I'd find the time to make umpteen different sweets, gifts, wreaths and all the other things that can be handmade. However, I do have some handmade things I'd like to try to accomplish before Christmas. Here are some of them. First, I have one more faux-quilted stocking to make. I will post a tutorial when I finish it (super-easy and very cute). For the toddler, I'd like to make a couple of the adorable handmade dolls designed by Emily Martin of Black Apple for the Martha Stewart show . . .

. . . as well as this fabulous Personalized Birdie Pillow that Melissa Mortensen of Polka-dot Chair designed for Moda Bake Shop.

I will definitely make some dish towels, hopefully something like these. I'll try to make some headbands inspired by the amazing ones I saw at the Crewcuts outlet (um, yeah . . . I wasn't going to spend $15 for a toddler-sized headband, even at 20 percent off).

For menfolk, I will be making some food/baked goods (future post) because what in the world do you get them for Christmas that (1) they will actually use/like; and (2) isn't a $5,000 electronics item of some kind. I'll be sure to post the recipes or links when I get it more figured out. I can't believe I'm already excited for Christmas!!!! (considering it was 105 degrees today...)


  1. Ashlee - I made tote bags for all teh ladies in my life last Christmas - oddly I haven't sewn since last December!!!! I totally burnt myself out.
    I need to back on it though. I especially love the dishtowel idea - tre cute. Plus, I wanna make a ton of the burp cloths for my new little one. Pass along any tutorials - I need major help and definitely more sewing classes!

  2. I'm the guilty one who HAS spent $15 for a toddler headband--and it was on Etsy! But hopefully that's a hint to you that you must make the Black Apple dolls because I would totally buy one!

    What fun gifts! I would love to be in your family (well, that's a given anyway) and receive any of these gifts!

  3. WOW, that pillow is perfect I have 4 girls. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas, I cant wait to see what goodie recipies you post. I can use all the help I can get, Christmas is at our house this year.

  4. Very cute ideas for gifts! And I can't wait for the stocking tutorial! I am going to make them for the first time ever for my husband, our new baby and I this year.
    I too am trying to do a semi-handmade Christmas this year. Its a little difficult with the older kids that just want video games lol. But I am going to try. Post pics as you make stuff if you can!

  5. Last year I made many of my own gifts and it was a wonderful Christmas. I was less stressed about money spent and able to enjoy family. I am definately going to try it again this year.


  6. HI Ashlee! Like you, I'm also thinking of Christmas already =)


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